
How long does it take to get my order?

United States: 7-10 business days (Expedited Shipping: 4-7 Business Days)

Canada: 10-20 business days

Australia: 5-8 business days
New Zealand: 6-9 business days

United Kingdom: 5-8 business days (Expedited Shipping: 3-5 Business Days)

Germany, France, Italy, Spain: 6-10 business days (Expedited Shipping: 5-8 Business Days)

Belgium, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia: 6-10 business days
Switzerland, Ireland, Greece, Luxembourg, Norway, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria: 7-12 business days

Taiwan, Hongkong: 3~5 business days

Japan, Thailand: 4~8 business days
Singapore, Malaysia: 7~12 business days
Vietnam: 10~15 business days

For the rest regions of the world, the local delivery is currently very unstable due to the outbreak. We are still coordinating with the shipping suppliers. And we will update here as soon as we have any information.

How much is shipping?

We offer free and fast worldwide shipping. lf you want to get your order even faster, we also provide Expedited Shipping option for us $20.